こんにちは (Hello!) Japanese Language Competition ( JLC) What is JLC? JLC is Japanese Language Competition. This event is about to learn of Japan This event is for all senior highschool students in Bandung and this is for 10,11,12 Grades. Location : SMAN 3 Bandung, on Belitung Street no 8th. H ow JLC will be held? In Japanese Language Competition, there will be some competition and activity, whats the competition and activitys? 1. Writing Competition : Every Grades will pick 10 of the best students to writing about Japanese and make some paragraph to tell about Japanese from they known. So this Writing Competition will be held in: 7th-8th October 2019 on 10:00 PM - 01:00 PM. 2. Drawing Competition : This competition is about draw some iconic place in Japan and make a short description about what you or grups draw in paper and this is competition for E...