What is JLC? JLC is Japanese Language Competition.
This event is about to learn of Japan
This event is for all senior highschool students in Bandung and this is for 10,11,12 Grades.
Location : SMAN 3 Bandung, on Belitung Street no 8th.
How JLC will be held?
Location : SMAN 3 Bandung, on Belitung Street no 8th.
In Japanese Language Competition, there will be some competition and activity,
whats the competition and activitys?
1. Writing Competition :
Every Grades will pick 10 of the best students to writing about Japanese
and make some paragraph to tell about Japanese from they known.
So this Writing Competition will be held in:
7th-8th October 2019 on 10:00 PM - 01:00 PM.
2. Drawing Competition :
This competition is about draw some iconic place in Japan and make a short description about what you or grups draw in paper and this is competition for Every Grades.
So this Drawing Competition will be held in:
9th October 2019 on 09:00 PM - 02:00 PM.
3. Modelling Competition :
Every Grades will pick one boy and one girl to be the model of this competition and make some amazing costume for the competition. Costume theme is about Japan or maybe culture of Japan.
So this Modelling Competition will be held in :
10th-12th October 2019 on 11:00 PM - 02:00 PM
10th October 2019 : 10 Grades.
11th October 2019 : 11 Grades.
12th October 2019 : 12 Grades.
4. Quiz about Japanese
Every Grades will pick 3 of the best student who know anything about Japan and will be competition in front of the they friend and the judges.
In the end, thats will have some unique gift from committee for 1st winner in this competition.
So this Quiz will be held in :
13th October 2019 11:00 PM - 01:00 PM.
Where the competition will be held?
The Competition will be held in Aula Baru in SMAN 3 Bandung.
JLC Committee :
1. Chief Executive
2. Deputy Chairperson
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Field Committee
Division of this event is,
1. Division of Main Event
2. Division of Publication
3. Division of Logistics Safety
4. Division of Logistics
5. Division of secure
6. Division of Documentation
ありがと ございまつ!
(Thank you!)
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