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Showing posts from September, 2019

Adjactive Order

the sentences 1. My father bought the new black carpet. 2. Mother has that beautiful round new glasses. 3. Zico have a big new white cupboard. 4. My friend got a wonderful new Handphone 5. Silva has an amazing round-shaped black pencilcase

FAMOUS PLACE (Biography 2)

Merlion Park   Merlion Park  is located near Marina Bay, Singapore. Merlion Park is the home of iconic Singapore symbol of a mythical  Merlion statues  with a head of lion and a body of fish.  This park is a popular Singapore tourist attraction. Two Merlion statues are located here and it is a major tourist attraction and a Singapore landmark, an attraction that tourist should not miss. Merlion is the unique sculpture. It has lion’s head but mermaid’s body. It is not usual for the sculpture. Merlion located in the middle of the pool. Merlion can gust the water from his mouth. It makes Merlion look amazing. Its name combines " mer ", meaning the  sea , and " lion ". The fish body represents Singapore's origin as a fishing village when it was called  temasek , which means "sea town" in  Javanese . The lion head represents Singapore's original name Singapura   meaning "lion city" or "kota singa".   Wh

Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara

Ki Hajar Dewantara, Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat was born in Yogyakarta on May 2 nd  1889. He came from Pakualaman family, the son of GPH Soerjaningrat, grandson of Pakualam III and grew up in a family of Yogyakarta Kingdom. Then, in 1922 when he was 40 years old, Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat changed his name to  Ki Hadjar Dewantara . Since that time, he was no longer using a knighthood in front of his name. Based on the Indonesian spelling in since 1972, its name is misspelled as Ki Hajar Dewantara. Ki Hajar Dewantara ever studied at Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) at the Dutch colonial era it is an elementary school in Indonesia. After graduating from ELS, then he went to STOVIA is a school for the education of indigenous doctors in Batavia in the Dutch colonial era. This time it became the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Although he did not could not complete his education because of illness. Ki Hajar Dewantara worked as a writer