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First Place (Lullaby Story)

First Place
by : story weaver

link to the story :


1. What's moral lesson of  the 'First Place' story?
2. What's synonym from this word 'clever' ?
3. What's the conclucion of 'First Place' from the story?
4. Is their any direct sentence from 'First Place' story?
5. Rabbit was crushed. He trudgeg back sadly to his desk with his head hanging low.
the word 'his desk with his head hanging low' refers to?

Here are some direct sentence from the 'First Place' story :
 1. Rabbit was about to start at a new school. He was so nervous, "How will i make new friends?" He wondered. "Maybe if I come in first place at everything, people will like me!"
2. But Bee, Cat and Owl are already there. "I'll have to try to be first at something else," he thought.
3. But the slow and steady Turtle won race instead. How strange! "Second place again," thought Rabbit sadly.
4. He burst into tears. "I can't win first place in anything! No one will ever want to be my friend!"
5. "I know!" Rabbit thought. "Sports day is coming up! I'll practice hard and be first place in the footrace!" He trained every day after school.


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