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Independent Days (Dialogue) - Suggest and Offer


But first,
What is Suggest ?
Answer : Suggestion is an idea, plan, etc. that you mention for somebody to think about.
What is Offer ?
Answer : Offer is a willingness to do or give something for somebody. Offer also means as an activity to make something available or provide the opportunity for something.

Example (Suggest) :
a. Making Suggestions :
  • Let, go to movies.
  • Why don’t  you do your homework before going out?
  • How about going to Sam’s place first and then to the supermarket?
b. Accepting Suggestions :
  • Yes, let’s go
  • Ok, I will
  • Yes, let’s go. It is a good idea.
c. Declining Suggestions :
  • No, thank you. I do not feel like going.
  • Sorry, I think I will go out first and then do my homework.
  • No, let’s just go to the supermarket.
Example (Offer) : 
a. Making Suggestions :
  • Can I help you?
  • Shall I bring you someta?
  • Would you like another helping of cake?
  • How about I help you with this?
b. Accepting Suggestions :
  • Yes, please. I really appreciate it.
  • Thank you, its very kind of you.
  • Yes, please, that be lovely.
  • Yes, please, that would be very kind of you.
c. Declining Suggestions :
  • It’s okay, I can do it myself.
  • No, thank you.
  • No, thanks. I don’t want another helping.
  • Don’t worry, I will it myself.
  • Bagja : "Hi Ajgab! Today is independent day for for our country, Indonesia. How do you feel about this day?"
  • Ajgab : "Hi Bagja! Today is so grateful because Indonesia is Independent day after 74 years ago. What do you think we gonna do in this Independent day?"
  • Bagja : "Hmm.. how about we just join the independence day competition, and shall we join one by one the competition? It's must be fun!"
  • Ajgab : "I don't think its a good idea. Hmm.. I think we should just try one a competition like maybe eating crackers without touching it?"
  • Bagja : "But i can't eat crackers fast like you thinking, I can't."
  • Ajgab : "Hmm.. would you like me to join on crackers competition with you as a team?"
  • Bagja : "Are you sure?"
  • Ajgab : "Yeah, i'm sure about that."
  • Bagja : "That's cool, let's do it!"
  • Ajgab : "Ok let's do it, but first we must attend the independence ceremony in the morning at the school."
  • Bagja : "Ok that's fine, let's go to school!"
  • Ajgab : "let's go!"


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