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What I Want For My Future, Bagja.

First of all, 

I want to be an Architect, Steward, Machinist, Dancer and others. Why do I want to be all of that? It all started from a dream that I had from a young age who wanted to become an architect at first, which at that time I really liked to draw anything in front of my eyes, especially tall buildings in the city besides that I really like to draw a train line Fire, planes and others are then drawn on a HVS paper or special drawing paper colored with various tools such as markers, crayons, colored pencils. But gradually my mind slowly changed a little after getting to know the train, which for a long time I had wanted to try to be able to control and advance the train according to its destination and from there I began to explore trains and how to be a driver since a long time ago. After my dream of becoming a machinist faded a little, it was immediately replaced when I got to know a game called Pump It Up and Danz Base in malls at that time, the first time I got to know the game was because my friends and relatives played the game too and when I started already familiar with the game I became interested in getting to know what the real dancer is and from the beginning I wanted to become a dancer. When the game starts to rarely play with me, my dreams immediately shift to the steward, why do dancers want to go to the steward? Because in my opinion stewards are one of the jobs that can make us gain more knowledge and understand the human understanding system because every day these stewards will meet different people every day, besides that I think the steward can amaze me because of their work. It's interesting and not too many people are willing.

But from all of that, actually my main goal is to become an architect or as an interior designer because it has been my hobby since I was a child and I have always dreamed of it until now, even though there are many side dreams that I want to achieve for my own future. For my passion or talents, there are some like my passion in painting something but abstract and there is also my talent, namely dance whatever it is, whether it's cover dance or hip-hop dance I like all kinds of dance and in my opinion it is one of my passions, and the talent I have right now. Many people don't know about the passion and talent I have since I was in 6th grade.

For the efforts that I have achieved so far, I have participated in the Pump It Up dance competition back in the days when I was still early in junior high school where the dance succeeded in bringing me to become the 1st winner in the Pump It Up competition, besides all the efforts I have given during this time. It is always giving my best as I learn and get to know myself more because I also want and be able to be the best I have today. It all started with various fields that I worked on such as studying, manners every day, always being able to get the best for myself, being able to control emotions, and other things.

Because in my opinion, the beginning of a person's success is from the person himself, where if that person can give the best version of himself then it will have a direct impact on the environment he lives or works for, the impact that can be taken as an example is to make it easier for companies to see the quality of ourselves. who is honest and gives what the company wants works well. However, if we cannot recognize ourselves, it will be difficult for us in the future because we cannot even know how far we can go, so what about the company he wants employees at that time, it could be because he doesn't know himself it can result in him not can be accepted in a company or place he wants to work. therefore be the best version of yourself.

Don't forget to just be yourself! 👌


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